
Workaholic or Hard Worker?

Diane Fassel, PhD, an Organizational Consultant has said,
"A workaholic will die faster than an alcoholic any day ".

Gone are the days when it was honourable to "work your butt off ", now psychologists have raised the red flag on workaholism.

But how do you know if you are a workaholic and not just a hard worker? You see yourself as being passionate about what you do and are always willing to put in your best at all times.
Yes there have been and still are debates on if being a workaholic is a psychiatric disorder, but impressions are gradually changing.

The truth is that the workaholic is actually "out of control " contrary to the impression he actually tries to portray. Workaholism  is a defensive behaviour or cover up for underlying conditions. Anxiety, depression, low self esteem, intimacy issues may not be unconnected with this disorder.

It is an addiction, an obsessive-compulsive disorder and should not be confused with working had or putting in long hours. The adrenaline surge the workaholic feels gives an illusion of a "high level of energy ".

You are likely to be a workaholic if most of these signs describe you:

  • Do you feel drained of energy and purposeless when not at work?
  • Do you dread vacations and find it difficult to go on breaks or dream about work even while on vacation?
  • Do you have trouble delegating tasks?
  • Do you find it difficult getting along with other colleagues?
  • Are you addicted to power and control?
  • Are you unable to maintain relationships outside of work (like family and friends )?
  • Do you have difficulty loosening up, relaxing or just having fun?

Other physiological or psychological symptoms are :anger, depression, anxiety attacks, stomach and head aches. 

If you clearly see yourself in this picture then you definitely need help.

It's important to note that workaholics gradually become less productive; they take up more than they can handle, won't delegate because they feel no one is good enough and crash out of exhaustion. All they had was an "adrenaline high" and this gradually starts to tell on their bodies.

Family and friends have the responsibility of helping these workaholics seek help as most will rarely admit they have a problem.

If you feel you are a workaholic seek help from a psychotherapist. The workaholics anonymous website is also a good place to start.  

Can Frequent Breaks Be the Cure For "Job Burnout"?

Picture this scenario: you arrive late for work then days because you hardly get enough sleep. Less sleep means a dull and drowsy wake and all you remember is dragging yourself to work.
Job burnout is what happens when job stress is unattended to.  Everything in you has simply had it when it comes to this job.

It's not just about the physical exhaustion but also the psychological and emotional exhaustion. So apart from dealing with heavy workloads and long hours of work the frustration of not being able to "get a grip” is also an issue. You just feel like a "tool” been used, no one gives you the opportunity to make meaningful contributions or suggestions, you just "do as you are told".

Before we go any further let's do a quick check on the common causes of job burnout. How do you know if your lights are totally off and need a break, new challenge or job?

Causes of Job Burnout

  • Overwork
  • Little or no control over your job
  • Too many constraints on how to do your job
  • Compulsory overtime
  • Random wage deductions
  • Frequent layoffs /job insecurity
  • Inadequate breaks
  • Long working hours
  • Exclusion in decision making
  • Dangerous or unpleasant working conditions

So what signs or symptoms should you look out for to know if you or anyone in your workplace is burnt out?

  • Fatigue
  • Highly irritable
  • Frequent anxiety attacks
  • Loss of appetite or overeating
  • Weight gain
  • Teeth clenching /grinding
  • Drug/alcohol abuse
  • Insomnia 
  • Difficulty in concentrating
  • Overly emotional
  • Head aches
  • Low sex drive
  • Feelings of emptiness
  • Absenteeism

These signs and symptoms are not to be overlooked as anyone manifesting majority of the above may need to see a Mental health professional (psychologist, psychotherapist).

It's important for managers to note that the best staff are mostly the ones that get burnt out and overwork is the main culprit in this case. Human beings can get "overheated "is just like any machine being overused. The "overwork" situation can also be that the worker is unable to "meet up” with the workload and becomes depressed that he's always "falling short ".

What can be done to nip job stress, and eventually burn out, in the bud?

Short breaks from work (vacation) can be beneficial especially in situations where the issue is about being overworked. But if there is an issue with the work situation or working conditions, it would have to be addressed; no amount of breaks would resolve that.

Sometimes taking on something more challenging (mentally) like a professional course will be the therapy.

As a manager, supervisor or business owner don't be too rigid to listen to your employees. There may be better or more flexible ways of carrying out certain tasks.  Give your workers the liberty to suggest methods they think they can incorporate to make their work less stressful. As long as it boosts productivity there's no harm in adopting new methods.

Motivational speaker, Mike Murdock,  has always said, "go where you are celebrated "is so don't be afraid to take a work if you feel you are being underutilized or not appreciated.

What is Bipolar Disorder?

So for the last 48hrs or so an "elevator video" of Solange Knowles beating her brother in law, Jay Z, while sister, Beyonce kept still has been trending.
Now there are speculations that she is mentally unstable and has 'bipolar disorder'.
Just to make it clear that I don't believe anyone should be stigmatized because of their condition let alone throwing out a diagnosis to explain some random behavior....let's leave that for the doctors.

But what is bipolar disorder?

Formerly called manic depression, bipolar disorder can have it's sufferers go from euphoric highs to drastic lows. The average age for the onset of attacks is 25yrs.
People with this disorder usually have at least one bout mania or "extreme high ". When in this "high" they may experience the following symptoms :

Rapid speech

Difficulty in concentrating

Extreme agitation

They may have this feeling of being invincible and tend to be reckless and aggressive.  They may drive recklessly, pick fights and even commit more serious crimes.

Transiting from this manic state comes with feelings of shame, then swinging into depression he is starts to have feelings of sadness, guilt, hopelessness and fatigue. In this state the person even becomes suicidal.

Some have connected this disorder to chemical imbalances in the brain, but no one knows what causes these imbalances.

If you feel you, a colleague at work  or someone close to you may have this condition contact a mental health professional immediately  (psychologist, psychiatrist, psychotherapist ).

Simple Back Care

Back care is clearly a case of "prevention is better than cure". It's always better to prevent back injury than to treat it.
So what are the culprits of back pain? What would cause great discomfort and injury to your back? This is what should be at the top of your mind so be careful to avoid or control the following:

Common Causes of Back Pain

1.Weak muscles: not enough physical activity. Yeah yeah, you can't just sit behind your desk all day and think your back should understand.

2. Muscle Strain caused by too much or physical activities carried out with harmful techniques.

3. Poor/Bad postural habits.

So what should you do to protect your back muscles?

Practice good lifting techniques. 
  • Always be conscious about what and how you should lift an object. Does it look too heavy? Would you be needing help? 
  • Lift objects close to your body rather than with your arms outstretched.
  • Stand with one foot slightly in front of the other for balance.
  • Slowly bend your knees and NOT your back, so your legs do the lifting.
  • Lift the object while straightening your legs till you are standing straight.
  • Take care to also bend your knees while putting the object down.

Watch your weight
Extra weight places extra stress on your back muscles. You don't need the "pot belly".

Adopt Good Posture at all Times
  • Whatever the position you find yourself; sitting , standing, sleeping there are the "good, bad and ugly" for your back.
  • Always sit with a back support. Yes you should use one in the office if your seat doesn't give adequate support to your lower back.
  • Avoid sitting for long periods; take stretching and walking breaks.
  • Drive with your back straight against the seat and close enough to the steering. Your bent knees should be at a slightly higher level than your hips.u to stand for long periods.
  • Don't stand for long periods; take stretching and walking breaks if your job requires you standing for long periods.
  • Better to lie on your back or side than on your tummy. Use adequate pillow support for your head/neck, back and between your legs if you are on your side. 
  • Lie on a firm mattress.