
Simple Back Care

Back care is clearly a case of "prevention is better than cure". It's always better to prevent back injury than to treat it.
So what are the culprits of back pain? What would cause great discomfort and injury to your back? This is what should be at the top of your mind so be careful to avoid or control the following:

Common Causes of Back Pain

1.Weak muscles: not enough physical activity. Yeah yeah, you can't just sit behind your desk all day and think your back should understand.

2. Muscle Strain caused by too much or physical activities carried out with harmful techniques.

3. Poor/Bad postural habits.

So what should you do to protect your back muscles?

Practice good lifting techniques. 
  • Always be conscious about what and how you should lift an object. Does it look too heavy? Would you be needing help? 
  • Lift objects close to your body rather than with your arms outstretched.
  • Stand with one foot slightly in front of the other for balance.
  • Slowly bend your knees and NOT your back, so your legs do the lifting.
  • Lift the object while straightening your legs till you are standing straight.
  • Take care to also bend your knees while putting the object down.

Watch your weight
Extra weight places extra stress on your back muscles. You don't need the "pot belly".

Adopt Good Posture at all Times
  • Whatever the position you find yourself; sitting , standing, sleeping there are the "good, bad and ugly" for your back.
  • Always sit with a back support. Yes you should use one in the office if your seat doesn't give adequate support to your lower back.
  • Avoid sitting for long periods; take stretching and walking breaks.
  • Drive with your back straight against the seat and close enough to the steering. Your bent knees should be at a slightly higher level than your hips.u to stand for long periods.
  • Don't stand for long periods; take stretching and walking breaks if your job requires you standing for long periods.
  • Better to lie on your back or side than on your tummy. Use adequate pillow support for your head/neck, back and between your legs if you are on your side. 
  • Lie on a firm mattress. 


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