
ALISON Launches Free Course On Understanding the Ebola Virus And How You Can Avoid It

ALISON launched today a Free Certificate Course on "Understanding the
Ebola Virus" aimed at Schools, Colleges and Workplaces. The aim is to
help the international effort to raise awareness and knowledge of the
Ebola Virus, its dangers and threats, and to provide information on
how to avoid it. On August 8th 2014, the World Health Organization
declared an international public health emergency as a result of the
Ebola outbreak.

ALISON is offering free online access to the courseware as well as
free online groups and free assessment and certification for Schools,
Colleges and Workplaces that wish to make sure all of their students
and employees properly understand the course instruction. These
organizations can print off Certificates of Completion for each
individual learner who successfully completes the course as proof of

As one of the largest providers of education in Africa with
approaching one million learners across the continent, and with
learners in every country worldwide, the ALISON free learning platform
can be used as an efficient way of getting timely health literacy
information and training to millions. Mobile enabled, ALISON has
significant student numbers in the most affected countries of Liberia,
Sierra Leone and Guinea. It has over 100,000 learners in neighbouring
Nigeria and 50,000 learners in Ghana. The course was developed using
as core content the World Health Organization, and the United States
based CDC (Centre of Disease Control) Guidelines.

Individuals or Organizations wishing to access the free course can do so here


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